
Showing posts from November, 2012

debat op zaterdag

Komende zaterdag: om 14u debat in aud. C (Blandijn UGent) over de boeken van Prof. Freddy Mortier en Prof. Herman Philipse. Ik treed op als respondent. Be there.

Mariage homosexuel : une imam va célébrer l’union de deux musulmanes

Intéressant, non:  L'article

Salman Rushdie

Rushdie came to Brussels to talk about his autobiography 'Joseph Anton' and was interviewed by Annelies Beck. Back in 1989, The Satanic Verses were a revelation to read, and they still are. More on this



voedseltaksen, dan toch weer niet?

Denemarken - voedseltaksen


Interview Radio 1 vrijdag 9 november

Radio 1

Interview over Anders Breivik, vrijdag 9 november, 11u30, Radio 1 bij Joos

New book

The translation and rewriting of my PhD from 2002 has finally been published: Jean-Luc Nancy and the question of community
Publieke Lezing over Anders Breivik: donderdag 15 november 2013 om 17u30 Waar? Sint-Annaplein 31, 9000 Gent Alle info